Donation Details

Sponsor Gatungo and His community

Suggested gift $39


Pastor GATUNGO, who serves in Rwanda Kigali, has been through the Natural Discipleship curriculum and is now building both young and older disciples through it. His leaders within his church are now training other leaders in his church who are multiplying themselves one disciple at a time. He is married with five beautiful children. As a family they are ministering through the means of singing and taking individuals through the Natural Discipleship Curriculum. He has planted five churches in TANZANIA, and is preparing to plant other churches in CONGO, BURUNDI, KENYA, UGANDA, etc. through Natural Discipleship Key Leaders. He currently has many disciples in 5 countries and about 8 generations of disciples. In his own words his “life song and chorus is now Natural Discipleship. Since working with Natural Discipleship, we are growing deeper and the church is getting stronger and mature”
