Discipleship and Resilience in

Africa-Rwanda, Malawi

Recently, Christine and Pete returned from their travels in Rwanda and Malawi, where they were profoundly blessed to meet our Natural Discipleship team and the countless individuals they have influenced in their respective countries. Each day was filled with teaching and encouraging the body of Christ. Their schedule included full-day conferences, preaching in numerous local churches, and visiting nearby villages, where they connected with many pastors and their congregations. They enjoyed their local cuisine and immersed themselves in their rich culture.

What struck them most was the people's deep devotion to God's Word and discipleship, not to mention their incredible African-style worship.

In Rwanda; they learned about a new governmental law requiring churches to meet stringent standards. Our main leader, Gatungo, is directly affected by this regulation. His church lacks a paved parking lot, proper ceilings, additional bathrooms, running electricity, and water, among other necessities. To comply with the government's requirements, he needs about $15,000. Unfortunately, until the church meets these standards, he cannot hold Sunday services and has resorted to open-air teaching while continuing to disciple others. Attached is his church building and location.

In Malawi; the response after our meetings has been overwhelmingly positive, with many eager to be trained in Natural Discipleship and launch their own personal discipleship ministries. Pete has begun discipling influential pastors in the community, and our leader in Malawi, Patrick Steven, along with his team, are training numerous others each week. A significant movement of God is unfolding there.

During their time in Malawi, they met a remarkable woman named, Nancy, who stood out among the rest. Having endured a difficult life marked by abuse from her husband and past pastors, she had chosen to leave the church. However, an invitation to one of our meetings, coupled with her mother's encouragement, led her to attend. God brought Pete and Christine together, and she opened up about her story. She described herself as a fisherman, providing for her family through her catch each day and how that is her source of income. She was deeply poor!

God deeply moved her during the conference, and she approached them afterward, asking if they could train and disciple her in how to multiply disciples. Christine and Pete felt honored to accept her request, and this week marks their third week working with her. She has fully recommitted her life to Jesus and is passionately engaging with His Word. Her joy is infectious, and we eagerly anticipate hearing the stories of what God will accomplish in and through her.

The physical and spiritual needs in Rwanda and Malawi are immense, and our ministry is committed to aligning with God’s guidance to address them. While we are now supporting Nancy, we know that there are hundreds, if not thousands, of God-fearing disciple-makers in need, just like her. Please keep this ministry in your prayers as we work together to advance God's kingdom, one disciple at a time.