Malawi, Africa

On July 1st, 2024, Patrick, one of our Natural Discipleship Leaders in Malawi, Africa, received a call that marked an incredible journey for him. A gentleman by the name of Johannes Aucamp, a dear friend from South Africa who leads the Teaching of Pastors in Africa (TOPIA), reached out to him. Johannes often asks him to be his interpreter when he visits Malawi. This time, he planned to teach in two districts, including places where Patrick usually conducts his own teachings.

Due to his busy schedule, he sent Pastor Simbarashe Kathumba, another Natural Discipleship leader, to accompany Johannes. Simbarashe is someone he deeply trusts; he not only acted as Johannes' interpreter but also focused on continuing our efforts in establishing Natural Discipleship Bible Study Groups in the villages.

Upon their return to Patrick's area, he hosted a two-day training session at his church. TOPIA's mission is to promote a biblical mindset change, based on 2 Corinthians 10:4-5. Johannes travels extensively across Southern Africa, mobilizing people and teaching them this important lesson.


A Joint Effort is Formed

At this point, Patrick began to see an opportunity. Why not use the teams Johannes establishes as platforms to develop leaders for Natural Discipleship? Since Johannes only visits him once or twice a year, it was important to ensure these groups continue to meet and engage in spiritual conversations in his absence.

Johannes brought a companion, Fred Nel, who specializes in teaching how to approach Muslims with the gospel. In our predominantly Muslim area, the combining mindset change, Muslim evangelism, and discipleship seemed like a powerful strategy.

Patrick approached Fred and Johannes with an idea: use their local contacts to nurture Natural Discipleship leaders who can continuously guide their communities. They welcomed the suggestion, and now we are moving forward with the collaboration.

Patrick looked into Fred's resources, including his book and the teachings available on their website, Tencourses.org, under Bible School on Wheels. His "Gold Nuggets" book and videos are really good and he would like to incorporate them into his discipleship.

Together they will begin to use each other’s resources and are confident that this collaboration will significantly impact others for the Kingdom of God. The prayer and training resources we provide on our website nddisciple.com will aid all of us in this mission.

This testimony is yet another reason to praise God together as He continues to open many doors in Africa and around the world.