A sinner desperately in need of a Savior


My name is Nancy, I am 45years old, from Malawi. I am a sinner who is desperately in need of a savior. HERE IS MY TESTIMONY OF HOW OF GOD HAD USED NATURAL DICIPLESHIP TO PICK ME UP FROM THE MUD.

I grew up in a church, I had a good relationship with everyone in the church, everyone meant everything to me. As Satan might have it, everyone turned their backs on me. I felt hurt and rejected. My faith died, and I stopped believing in God. I had stayed out of any spiritual gatherings fearing that people will hurt me again. I spent years away from the church and from God.

Then one blessed day, Stallah, a friend of mine, invited me for a meeting. When she mentioned it to be a church gathering, I said, “Thats a no, NO!” She was persistent with me and insisted each day that we met to go with her.

Now the day came, and she reminded me of the gathering, for her she wanted me to represent her church's English-speaking group. Little did she know that God has used her to bring me two people who will help open my eyes to the lie that I believed. The guest speakers came and there was me siting on my corner ready to walk out if anyone wanted to step on my toes. The speakers were Pete and Christine Robertsons from Natural Discipleship. It was a new name I hadn’t heard. I started following the teaching, it was very simple, shared with so much love, that I started participating in the conversations. It felt so different to me.

That’s when I realized that I had placed my faith on the wrong grounds. I valued my physical relationships more than I did with God. Pete said who cares what people say about you. The only thing that should matter is what God thinks about you. How is your relationship with him? The guest speaker approached me and said God wants me to work with them. He said that God loves me, and this time it was easy to believe because I had started to feel his love though the teaching we had. Then I remembered what my mom had said when I complained that STELLA was bothering me. She said, “It’s time God wants you to come back to Him.” In that moment it all made sense to me.

Now I am a repentant child of God, discipled to disciple. There are many wounded people in the church out there who need to be saved, who better to do that than us. Jesus said, “the harvest is plenty but the workers are few” Then he calls us to make disciples, let’s reach out to our neighbors, in our backyard’s and a far to “Make disciple who make disciples.”